Wednesday 21 May 2014

Representation of Issues: Body Image

For those of you who feel like they need to learn some more about body image - here is a PPT :)

Representation of Issues: Body Image

For those of you who feel like they need to learn some more about body image - here is a PPT :)

Thursday 1 May 2014

Block F (Homework Task)

Question: How has ethnicity been portrayed in Youngers?

Response: Youngers is a mostly a negative representation of black youth due to its stereotypical portrayal. Yemi however has been constructed with positive progressive characteristics, however this is counteracted by his appearance and the overall mise-en-scene of each episode.
  • Why is it negative (give specific examples)
  • How is Yemi positive
  • How has Yemi been presented in a stereotypical manner (use CLAMPS to support)
  • What other stereotypical traits are presented for all characters?
  • How does the show fit into the general representation of youth across contemporary media?
Remember to use theories and concepts (stereotypes, Alvarado, Hebdige)

The full season is available if you want to watch further episodes.

Make sure you Point Evidence Eexplain 

Block F (Homework Task)

Question: How has ethnicity been portrayed in Youngers?

Response: Youngers is a mostly a negative representation of black youth due to its stereotypical portrayal. Yemi however has been constructed with positive progressive characteristics, however this is counteracted by his appearance and the overall mise-en-scene of each episode.
  • Why is it negative (give specific examples)
  • How is Yemi positive
  • How has Yemi been presented in a stereotypical manner (use CLAMPS to support)
  • What other stereotypical traits are presented for all characters?
  • How does the show fit into the general representation of youth across contemporary media?
Remember to use theories and concepts (stereotypes, Alvarado, Hebdige)

The full season is available if you want to watch further episodes.

Make sure you Point Evidence Eexplain