Past Papers

MS1 - Examination

In this section of the blog you will find past-papers which you can work through and:
be given the assessment criteria (the mark scheme) and have a go at marking yourself
hand-in to be looked over and marked
- or do both and see how accurate you are.

This is one of the best ways to revise for the examination as it gives you practice at writing (please do not type a response, handwrite it!) and will show you the type of question you can be expected to answer.

Below are two past-papers (both are a textual analysis of a print-unseen media).

- Print off, or write down the examination questions.
- Click on the image to increase the size.
- Remember to read the question clearly. In the past students have lost marks for answering the wrong question, or referring to the wrong image for the question.
- Remember to make notes - Plan your response, don't just start writing - think about what you are going to say!

Past Paper 1

Past Paper 2

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