Tuesday 22 April 2014

Test yourself: Representations and responses

THE QUESTIONS ACE – Representations and Responses

What is meant by representation and responses?
Define the terms stereotype and countertype.
Name 3 ways an audience might respond to a media text.
Identify two factors that will influence the way in which an audience will respond to a media text.
Give two examples of positive stereotypes.


Distinguish between ideology and values
Explain the difference between encoding and decoding.
Apply the theory of Mulvey’s Male Gaze to the texts we have studied.
How does the construction of the representation suggest an audience should respond to the text?
Compare the representations of … in two case studies of your choice.
Explain using the Bechdel Test how women are often marginalised in films.

Why do you think the producers of media texts are reluctant to avoid using stereotypes?
What effect can the representations contained within media texts have upon audiences?
To what extent do representations address changing cultural and social attitudes?
How is the dominant ideology of a media text reflected through the representations included within the text?
What are your assumptions in your answers to the questions above?

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