Monday 2 June 2014

New Students: Summer 2014 Activity.

Task One: Media Studies Reading Activity:

Read the online article. Visit our blog read the section on definitions of genre and genre theory.

Important: You need to use a word document to produce tables similar to the examples provided below in which you should provide your answers.

Word Frame

This word frame is to help you when you are reading a new text. Write down the words that you think are important and those that you do not understand. Then look up the words to check their meaning, filling out the chart below.
  • Bullet point and summarise your findings in the box below.
  • Make a list of the words you don’t understand and then find thdefinition. Complete the table on the next page under the heading 'Media Terminology Check'.

Title of article:
Summary of key points/findings:

 Media Terminology Check.

Important words in text
Tick whether – Unknown words
Tick whether – Unsure of meaning
Tick whether – understand meaning
Meaning of word – dictionary definition

Task Two: Genre Conventions:

Using a Word document make a table similar to the one below. Then complete your table by suggesting the expectations you have of a particular genre. The first has been done for you. Add the conventions for action and horror films and sitcoms then choose your favourite genre and complete the final box. You should spend some time watching and researching these films online before you attempt to complete the table.

Good luck and have fun J

ICONOGRAPHY:I mages, costumes, props, locations, sounds
What’s the audience

·       News Anchor
·       Weather men/women
·       Special Guests
·       Field Correspodents
·       Interviews
·       Reports
·       Weather
·       Local News
·       Suits – Formal Clothing
·       Notes
·       Studio Setting
·       Interviews on the street

·       Information on current events and affairs both local and international
Action Films

Sitcoms aka
Situation Comedies

Horror Films

Note: Please bring a print out of the completed tasks to your first Media class in September 2014 as you will need to refer to this in your first lesson and your teacher will collect this from you at the end of the class.

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