Monday 6 April 2015

March Mock

Hello all, hope you are having a good Easter break!

When we return we will be sitting a mock-paper to test your knowledge on representation of age. You should be revising on how to respond to the question in preparation for this question. 

Areas you should revise include:

  • Theories: Hebdige (1979) trouble and fun, Cohen (1972) moral panic, Newman (2006) upper/middle class elderly as occupying high-status positions and sociological classifications (grumpy, mentally challenged, dependent, burden or enjoying a second childhood).
  • Concepts: Stereotypes, construction and representation. 
  • Key texts: Eden Lake/Harry Brown, Misfits/Skins/Bad Education (trouble/fun) and Disney texts (High School Musical) (fun).
  • Key texts: Ageism row (BBC) 
  • Key texts: Your own case studies.
See you next week.

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